— Empowering people to find their inner strength —

Professional career

Non-profit Associations

From March 2010 until today
Chairman of CBG Conscious Business Group: cultural association with the aim of spreading the culture of awareness for a business driven by values.


May 2007 - October 2009
Member of the European Advisory Committee - Silver Point Europe a $9B Distressed Hedge Fund based in the U.S.A.

May 1999 - September 2004
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer - HFR Europe, Ltd. The Company, based in Chicago, Illinois (USA) offered hedge fund asset management services to European Institutional Investors.
Zoia as founding partner and shareholder founded and grew the company to $1.9 billion under management in 4 years. During this time she was a shareholder and member of the board of directors of Akros-HFR SGR (Banca Popolare di Milano Group).

April 1997 - May 1999
Founded and directed a private Offshore Hedge Fund.

May 1990 - December 1997
Founded his own business in Residential Real Estate in New York. The business included consulting, brokerage, property rehabilitation and asset management for its own investments and for foreign investors.

January 1989 - March 1990
International Property Counselors, New York.  Senior Vice President, International Division. Functions included real estate consulting and brokerage.

Citigroup from June 1976 to December 1988

November 1987 - December 1988
Citibank NA New York
Financial Institutions Group
International Division
Head European Marketing Unit: for custody and securities clearance products. Responsibilities included the identification of business trends, massacre marketing, implementation of strategies, monitoring of sales results and profitability of the unit consisting of 60 relationship managers distributed between New York and Europe.

February 1984 - October 1987
Citibank NA  New York
Financial Institutions Group
Region Head USA Domestic Division (Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast regions of the U.S.). With responsibility for the business profit center whose responsibilities included: Designing and Implementing Marketing Strategies, Budgeting, Account Management, including hiring, layoffs and training, loan approval and credit exposure monitoring.

June 1982 - January 1984
Citibank NA  New York
Financial Institutions Group
Head of the Southern European Area:  Italy, Spain and Portugal: Responsibility shared with local staff in the countries for the Financial Institutions Area Profit Center

March 1976 - July 1982
Citibank NA  Milan
Financial Institutions Group
Account Manager with marketing responsibility for Citicorp's Italian and international financial products after two years of in-company training that included formal courses in credit training, marketing operations and on-the-job applications.

February 1975 - March 1976
Lombardfin - Milan
Assistant Dealer for security trading with New York Stock Exchange and Chicago Commodity Exchange

April 1974 - December 1974
Edilcentro Sviluppo - Milan
Assistant Dealer per commodity trading.

Personal Experiences

Master degree in Business Administration, Executive MBA, Stern University - New York (1985)
Degree in Economics University Bocconi (1974)
Diploma of High School at Liceo Classico Giovanni Berchet ( 1969)
Master in NLP - Neurolinguistic Programming (1991)
CTT “Culture Change Consultant” certificate (2011)

X-Citi alumni association (board member 2008-2014)
ASM american school of Milan (member of the board of Trustee)
AIMA: Alternative Investment Management Association (Board member, representative of Italy)
National Carabinieri Association
Panathlon International
Garden Company - Milan
Italian Financial Analysts Association
New York Finance Club (NY)
University Club (NY)
East-West Club (London)
BAA (Alumni Chunks)

Luigi Zoia

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