The culture of awareness
We live in a historical moment of great complexity and ambiguity

An epochal transformation is underway, much accelerated compared to the industrial revolutions of the 18th century and a few other similar changes that have occurred in the last 2000 years. The waves of structural innovation that emerged in the 21st century are ever closer, faster and more intense.
How to find your passion and live your mission.
You have to start with what interests you most and devote yourself to learning how to do it well. Initially according to external canons, learn everything you know about it and then implement everything until it gets under your skin, in your bones.
For years I wondered what it was and how to get it, and only recently I realized that awareness is the result of deep curiosity. When we are deeply interested and curious we accept everything we see, without judging and without comparing it to a standard or what it should be.
Conscious Leadership
The conscious leader creates within himself and outside in the world something that has never existed before, combining mission with profit, thus tempering the spasmodic research of the latter with a unified approach, allowing him to act without internal contradictions.
The apparent contradiction between profit and mission, that is, the common good, is only superficial; in reality the two are complementary. Profit without the common good is not sustainable in the long term, just as the social good also needs profit. The two must be sought simultaneously in a harmonious way as the symbol of Yin and Yang.